Megan’s Off To Bari!
Bari, Italy -- Jesus Revolution Summer Team
Beach and street evangelism. Megan has been looking forward to this trip since the end of last year’s. We are so very …
A Great Week!
The Nichols Visit
Wow! The Nichols left on Sunday, and Michael entered our house and said that was too short of a time. We had a blast with our friends, with whom …
Creating Community for Youth
Making Friends at SLOT
Four years ago, Michael never wanted to return to SLOT. He’s loved it ever since. Lisa and I drove our kids down to SLOT, set up tents so …
We’ll Miss You!
Seeing Good Friends Depart
Jack and Joan have been staples in Poznan for over 10 years. The came to see people come to Christ and be discipled. As indicated by the …
The Beginnings of Real Discipleship Multiplication
T4T Growing in Stockholm
Forrest Hendrix leads a church planting effort along 10 subway stops in Stockholm, Sweden. He is one of the CityReach Strategists in GEM’s 50-…